You may wonder how to pass a drug test if you apply for work. Taking a drug test can be a scary thought, even if you don’t do drugs. Many others are concerned about drug detection impacting their jobs when recreational marijuana use becomes legal in some states. If you’re scheduled for a drug test, you must submit a urine, hair, or blood test to a medical laboratory. Knowing that your body has a natural detoxification system and is well-equipped to eliminate toxins is essential. But who wants to wait weeks or months until your system naturally rids itself of THC and other toxins? No one, especially if you have a crucial drug test coming up. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to cheat the system, so it is better to start detoxing from drugs and alcohol ASAP.
“Safety of the employees in the workplace” and “reducing workers’ compensation claims” are some of the reasons why companies require drug testing. More specifically, the usage of illegal drugs while working can cause:
- Decreased productivity
- Lower employee morale
- Decreased company profit
- Damage to the company’s professional image
Different Types Of Drug Tests
There are several drug testing procedures. However, the urine sample drug testing method is the most accurate and reliable. This process is used to look for the existence of marijuana, cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine (PCP), and amphetamines. It can also find other substances in the urine, such as alcohol, MDMA (ecstasy), benzodiazepines, barbiturate, and propoxyphene.
While urine sample drug tests are the most common drug test administered and cheated, it is not the only kind. There are six different kinds of drug tests available. Some tests must be analyzed in a lab, while others can show instant results. Apart from urine tests, there are also:
Blood Tests
Blood tests are a popular form of testing, but they are also the most invasive and must be sent to a lab to analyze. They can detect alcohol use for up to 24 hours beforehand and cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, and marijuana.
Saliva-Based Tests
This kind of test provides fast results for recent drug use. It is done with a mouth swab or by spitting in a cup and shows drug or alcohol use within the past few days, depending on the drug.
Hair Follicle Tests
This test does not show the most recent drug use, but shows use from 4 days up to 90 before the test. It can test for marijuana, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamines, and PCP.
Breathalyzer Tests
This is used to check for alcohol and is often used by police to test for driving while intoxicated, but anyone can have one.
Perspiration Tests
While this is a newer form of drug testing, it is often used to watch over those recovering from drugs or on probation. It screens for drugs through a patch on the skin and is left for 14 days. It collects sweat and can detect marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, LSD, and opiates.
How To Pass The Drug Test?
Don’t rely on “false-positive” excuses
Although urine tests are far from infallible, it is difficult to challenge positive test results. “False positive,” are highly unlikely so long as labs exercise proper care (however, not all labs do this). The standard procedure is to screen the samples with an immunoassay test (e.g., EMIT® or RIA®), then confirm positive results with the more accurate gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GCMS). This eliminates the chance of false positives in exchange for a relatively high rate of “false negatives,” where drug use is not detected. Do not rely on “false-positive” excuses! Find treatment ASAP.
Withhold consumption
The absolute best detox method is to abstain from consumption entirely and follow the path of sobriety. You can choose to cut cold turkey (which can be dangerous with some substances) or ease yourself and ask for professional help at detox and rehab facilities. Regardless, this method will ensure you pass a drug test, given there’s enough time from when you halted consumption to when you’re tested.
Drink water
Passing a drug test will be much easier if you drink lots of fluids on regular basis. Water will not only keep your body hydrated but also assist with flushing the body of toxins faster. But you don’t need to drink an obscene amount of water and overdo it. Excessive drinking will not speed up the detox process, although staying properly hydrated will assist the body with cleansing. You could also try adding some natural remedies to your daily fluid intakes, such as apple cider vinegar or cranberry juice. Both have substantial health benefits that could speed up detox.
Exercise regularly
Exercise can boost your metabolism, burn fat, and thus speed up detoxification. Toxins are mostly stored inside fat cells, making exercise essential for detoxing. You can try cardio or weight training to get your heart rate up and start burning fat. Exercise will help decrease traces of detectable toxins in the body while also allowing for a smooth transition when discontinuing use.
Go In a Sauna
In addition to exercising, you could try sweating out the substance in the sauna. While this won’t provide magical results, it could help to release some of the toxins in your system. The blood vessels will relax and dilate in the dry heat that’s provided in a sauna. This will aid in increased blood flow and improved blood circulation, which will hopefully release toxins from the body more quickly. When going to the sauna, it’s important to stay hydrated and drink lots of water. You could lose a significant amount of sweat and increase your risk of dehydration in just a short time. Drink plenty of water before and after going into the sauna. Doing so will not only rehydrate your body but will also help flush the drugs out. The benefits are twofold!
Maintain a healthy diet
It’s important to avoid greasy foods when going through a detox. Anything high in sodium, sugar, or fat can increase water retention and slow the process. When consistently eating these foods, the body will have a harder time during detox. Avoid fatty red meat, greasy foods, and all other junk food. Instead, stick to a nutrient-dense diet full of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. Filling your body with these essential vitamins and minerals increases the metabolism and speeds up the detox timeframe. Add more kale, spinach, and other greens to your daily meals. They are high in iron, an essential ingredient to flush out your system fully. Additionally, opt for some healthy fibers like fruit, beans, nuts, and whole wheat-based foods. A good amount of fiber will give you an added boost.
Care for your mental health
Even though some drugs are becoming more and more accepted for medical usage, it’s can still be a controversial solution. When detoxing, you may experience heightened anxiety, depression, and irritability. It’s important to take care of yourself and your mental health. Otherwise, you could find yourself going back to drugs and alcohol to ease the pain and stabilize your mood. You could try a focused exercise like yoga or meditation to help with agitation or stress. Overall, be kinder to yourself during a detox period.
How To Pass A Drug Test: Do Home Remedies Help?
Vinegar… Lemon juice… Salt. Baking soda… At least one of these items is probably in your kitchen. And any of them can be used to beat a drug test. People have been using a long list of very ordinary household items to confuse drug labs hoping to catch them in the act of using or abusing illegal drugs. “Does it work? Yes, it does,” says Amitava Dasgupta, Ph.D., a professor of pathology and drug testing expert from the University of Texas-Houston Medical Center. Many household items change urine’s pH, or acidity, when added to it; most of the time, that renders a sample useless for testing. But these are not the cheating methods that worry testers like Dasgupta.
That’s because labs can easily tell when urine has been adulterated with household items. Usually, they disqualify the applicant without even bothering to test for specific drugs.
Debunking The Myth About the Home Remedies Which Can Help To Pass Drug Tests: Baking Soda
Is there a miracle product sitting in the back of your fridge — something cheap that can zap bad smells, keep your teeth sparkly white, and even treat life-threatening diseases? Yes. Baking soda, also known as bicarbonate of soda (or sodium bicarbonate), can do some major things. Its superpowers come from a two-letter term: pH. That stands for the “power of hydrogen” to make something either an acid or a base (alkaline). Baking soda is an antacid, also known as sodium bicarbonate. People use the white household powder for baking soda in mouthwash, toothpaste, and as a laxative on rare occasions. Athletes also use it to prevent muscle soreness and delay fatigue through bicarbonate loading. Moreover, it is used in attempts to pass drug tests.
Some say that a daily dose of baking soda may help reduce the destructive inflammation of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
They have some of the first evidence of how the cheap, over-the-counter antacid can encourage our spleen to promote instead an anti-inflammatory environment that could be therapeutic in the face of inflammatory disease, Medical College of Georgia scientists report in the Journal of Immunology.
On the other hand, many people believe that baking soda helps you beat drug tests. However, this is partially true and still under discussion. Baking soda usually retains the amphetamine drugs such as methamphetamine in your system. Thus, it increases your chances of a negative urine test result. The amount present in your urine is undetectable.
However, there is a concern for abuse and overdose of baking soda as people try to pass drug tests for various drugs. They use it to mask their addiction and substance use disorder. Baking soda does cause some severe effects. This article will discuss whether baking soda helps pass a urine test and the side effects of abuse and overdose.
Baking Soda Flash To Mask Amphetamines
You should note that baking soda does not detox drugs from your body. It only increases the alkaline levels. The baking soda flush only masks amphetamines like methamphetamine because methamphetamine and baking soda are both alkaline substances. The kidneys will have to compute alkaline substances to remove from the body. They will exclude methamphetamine and try to remove baking soda first. Thus, methamphetamine will circulate in your blood and not get to your urine. Furthermore, baking soda may only work for urine tests because the kidneys remove it from your body through urine. Thus baking soda is not effective in blood, hair, and saliva tests. Once the kidneys start removing the baking soda, you have about 4 to 5 hours before they begin to remove methamphetamines or other amphetamines. The baking soda flush will not work for most of the drug tests. For example, you will fail a marijuana drug test when you try to flush it with baking soda because tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is an acidic substance. Your body and kidneys usually remove weak acids faster when the urine has higher alkaline levels.
Debunking The Myth About the Home Remedies Which Can Help To Pass Drug Tests: Urine Drug Tests Cheat
In all honesty, it is possible to cheat successfully on a drug test or at least attempt to, but at some point, your method will fail you, and your cheating ways will get caught. The most commonly attempted drug test people will try to cheat on is a urine sample drug test. We remember the recent international scandal when the world’s top anti-doping authority banned Russia from all international competitions — including Olympic Games in Tokyo — for four years for cheating with urine samples. Russian intelligence service secretly replaced urine samples containing banned substances of medal winners with clean urine. To do this, they set up a shadow laboratory in Sochi, having found a way to break into supposedly tamper-proof bottles. Here are five ways urine drug tests can be cheated:
Diluting urine samples
This can be done by drinking a large amount of water before taking the drug test or by directly putting water in the urine sample. If the urine is diluted, it diminishes the visible drug levels. Hence, increasing the chance of getting a drug-negative result.
This method is often shut down because collectors can ask you to empty your pockets before the drug test begins. A lab can also administer further testing to tell if a urine sample has been tampered with.
Getting urine from someone
Employees can also cheat by getting a urine sample from someone else. OHS Health and Safety Services Inc. reported that some people use liquid urine, synthetic urine, or urine owned by a different individual. Others also use animal urine to pass the test. Furthermore, powdered urine pockets can be bought online and easily mixed with water.
The temperature of the sample is an important indicator that it is not the person’s actual sample. To work, urine needs to be within 90-100 degrees, so faking it isn’t easy. Drug test collectors can also tell by listening to you whether the sample was provided naturally.
Adding chemicals to their sample urine
Urine samples that are mixed with chemicals are called “adulterated specimens”. Some people attempt to submit a sample that contains added chemicals to hide the presence of drugs in their urine. Some known chemicals include salt, soap, bleach, peroxide, and eye drops.
Most drug testing machines have the ability to detect specimens with chemicals, tagging them as invalid. However, not all adulterants are detected. Chemicals, such as Visine eye drops, isopropanol, and other chemicals, still cannot be detected.
Delaying drug testing
Some may delay the drug test until the drugs are flushed out of their system. This process depends on what kind of drugs was taken, as some substances can be flushed out from the body faster than others. Individuals’ height, weight, age, metabolism, and health history are also factors that affect how long a substance takes to leave the body.
Trying detoxification methods
Some attempt to cheat by trying methods that would detoxify their body from drug use. The most common methods include eating foods rich in fiber, eating certain herbs like red clover and burdock, and drinking herbal teas or beverages that act as diuretics to flush toxins from the body.
Applying for jobs and going on interviews can be pretty stressful. Taking a drug test can be a scary thought, even if you don’t do drugs. However, if you recently smoked marijuana or used other drugs and have been offered a position with a company, chances are you’ll quickly become even more stressed. You might be understandably worried about passing a drug test if you use drugs frequently or occasionally partake in recreational use. You might also be researching how to “beat” drug test kits. However, you really shouldn’t try to cheat on a drug test. Here are a few reasons you should never attempt to fool through drug tests, especially if a job depends on it.
You Could Get Yourself in a Lot of Trouble
For example, if you try and fake the test by using someone else’s urine sample, you could get in big trouble. If you’re caught cheating and are applying for a government job, this simple act is considered fraud — a federal offense. Even if the job you’re applying for isn’t within the government, you almost certainly won’t get the job when caught. However, there is a chance that the results could come after you start working. If this happens and the test comes back positive for tampering, you will most likely be fired.
It’s Hard to Beat a Drug Test
Even though many people think it’s super easy to get away with faking a urine drug test, it’s a lot harder than you think. It’s getting harder all the time. Over the past few years, drug screening labs have stepped up to prevent cheating from happening. They can easily tell if a test has been altered or if it’s been faked at all. Many labs will also ask you to remove your coat and empty your pockets before entering the testing room to ensure that you’re not trying to sneak anything in. The people at the labs are also able to tell what gender of the person the sample came from. So, if you’re a man and want to use your girlfriend’s sample to get a passing grade, you’re probably going to get caught.
You Might Cheat On The Test, But Does It Help You To Fight Addiction?
Drug tests are usually the one thing standing in the way of you and a job. If that job is your dream job or one that you need, it’s going to be so important that you pass the test. If you try and fake the test, you’re going to be adding a whole other level of stress on top of what’s already existing. Save yourself the emotional trauma and be honest with the results. Urine drug tests are nothing to mess around with, especially if a job is on the line. In fact, a survey on urine drug testing shows nearly 75% of adult illicit drug users are employed, which causes American businesses to lose about $81 billion a year. Because of statistics like these, most employers take drug use — and drug testing — very seriously. Remember the things listed above when researching ways to fake your rapid drug screen. It is much better to choose the path of sobriety and ask for treatment if needed!